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中文摘要:本文记述的18种瓢虫采自云南丽江的华山松上,其上有球蚜(Pineussp.) 寄生。包括1个新种——华山松小瓢虫Scym nus(Pullus) huashansong, sp. nov. 和1个中国新记录种——团聚丽瓢虫Adalia conglomerata (L.), 3种鉴定到属或亚属。其中的14种瓢虫同时采自铁杉,其上有铁杉球蚜(Adelges tsugae)寄生。新种华山松小瓢虫Scym nus(Pullus) huashansong (图1)体长2.65m m ,体宽1.80m m 。头黑色,口器及触角红褐色;前胸背板黑色;小盾片黑色;鞘翅红褐色。从头、前胸背板和小盾片黑色而鞘翅红褐色,该种易与它种区分;而从外生殖器而言,它与弯端小瓢虫S. (P.) accamptus Pang etPu 相似,但新种阳基较纤细,第1腹板上的后基线弯曲度大拱形明显而区分。新种模式标本1997年9月24日虞国跃采于云南丽江文笔山,存北京市农林科学院植保环保研究所。
Lady Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Pinus armandii Franchet Infested with Pineus sp.
YU Guo yue
Abstract:Eighteen species of lady beetles, collected from Pinus armandii infested with Pineus sp. (Homoptera: Adelgidae), in Lijiang, Yunnan province, were enumerated, l of which was described as new to science: Scymnus (Pullus) huashansong, and l as new record for China: Adalia conglomerata (L.). Among these 18 species, 14 were also collected from the hemlocks (Tsuga dumosa, T. forrestii, and T. chinensis ) infested with the hemlock woolly adelgid ( Adelges tsugae ).
keywords:Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, Pinus armandii, new species, Yunnan
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